企业理念 诚信为本,铸金字招牌! Honesty comes first,casting golden brand! 企业责任 传承创新传统酱制技艺,促进酱制品发展。 Inheritance and innovation of traditional sauce technology, promote the development of sauce products. 发展理念 传承传统,突破创新 Inherit traditional,Disruptive Technology 人才理念 爱护 重视 能者先 Cherish Value Capable first 创新理念 顺应潮流,开发新品。 Comply with the trend,new product development. 经营之道 精选材 精用料 精细酱制, 诚为本 诚于心 诚信万家。 Fine selection of fine materials, Sincere sincere sincere to the heart of ten thousand.