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时间:2019-04-18 12:19:15  来源:  作者:
 天津市南开翔宇学校是一所继承了百年南开优秀传统的社会主义公益性优质学校,弘扬“允公允能,日新月异”的南开精神并坚持走与祖国人民同呼吸、共命运,全心全意为人民服务的南开道路。“翔宇”二字取自杰出的南开校友周恩来总理之字(周总理名恩来,字翔宇),寓意全校师生均以周恩来总理为人生楷模,期望学子翱翔寰宇,鹏程万里。我校拥有独立的校园,坐落于梅江南高档住宅区,生态环境好,自然环境优雅,具备完善的寄宿条件。我校注册在南开校区,主管单位为南开区教育局。 学校设有高中部、初中部、小学部和国际部,拥有一流的教师队伍、管理队伍和办学条件。在继承南开办学历史传统的基础上结合时代特点,我校在小学阶段实施“生命阳光教育”,在中学阶段实施“生命高素养教育”。以“完善生命形态,挖掘生命潜质,增加生命价值”为育人宗旨;以“弘扬南开精神,以德立教,严谨治学,育人为本,科学发展”为治校方略;以康岫岩校长提出的“视学生如己出,视学校如己家,视祖国如母亲”为南开翔宇之情,形成了鲜明的办学特色。 我校“教”与“学”原则是:先学后教、以学定教、激发内需、按需指导。小学部按年龄分段教学,中学部实施必修课和选修课。从七年级开始,必修课按照教学大纲完成,选修课实行“走班制”,对学生进行“补缺、增高”,适度扩充学习内容,培养学生特长兴趣。三部定期召开联席会议,实现了三个学段之间的无缝衔接。学校的教育质量在天津市位居前列。办学水平受到社会的广泛赞誉,已经成为天津老百姓心目中的好学校、名学校。曾获“全国民办非企业单位自律与诚信建设先进单位”、“全国优秀民办中小学”等荣誉称号。

学校地址:天津市河西区梅江南浯水道289号(300221) 天津市南开区澄江路2号
电话:022-58785063 022-58785025 022-58785081
学校网站: www.tjnkxy.com

About Xiangyu
Tianjin Nankai Xiangyu school inherits the tradition of hundred-year Nankai’s great spirit, embracing an excellent socialistic responsibility. In accordance with its motto, "dedication to the public interests, acquisition of all-round capability and aspiration for daily progress", Xiangyu adheres to the way of developing the spirit of Nankai, serving people wholeheartedly and sharing deserved fate with motherland. The name of school, "Xiang Yu", is taken from the name of an outstanding Nankai’s alumni, Premier Zhou Enlai (Premier Zhou Enlai, alias Xiangyu), which means flying high with little apparent effort. It implies that the whole school should take Premier Zhou Enlai as the role model in life and students are expect to soar freely in broad sky and have bright prospects. Xiangyu has an independent campus, locating at Mei Jiang South upscale residential areas with good ecological environment and mature boarding conditions. Our School registers in Nankai district, and it is under the supervision and administration of the Education Bureau of Nankai District. Xiangyu has senior high school, junior high school, elementary school and an international department; top-ranked teachers, management team and running conditions are seeking to serve students’ interest. To combine the spirit of Nankai and the features of modern society, Xiangyu implements “Life & Sun Education” in primary school and “Life & Quality Education” in high school. “To perfect the form of life, to exploit the potential of life, to increase the value of life" is insisted as Xiangyu’s educational purpose; “to carry forward Nankai’s spirit, to teach by virtue, to research precisely, to treat education as the basis, to develop with scientific concept” is provided as school’s managing strategy; “to treat students as our own, to treat school as home, to treat country as mother” is the love of Xiangyu, which is supposed by principal Kang Xiuyan. The above three guidelines form Xiangyu a unique school running system. The principle of our “teaching” and “learning” is: to teach first, to learn next; to formulate teaching strategy in accordance with learning; to stimulate learning demands; to instruct according to the needs. Primary school arranges teaching and learning by age segment; high school provides compulsory and elective courses. From the grade of seven, compulsory courses must be completed in accordance with the syllabus; elective courses implement “blended-class”, to enhance or remedy according to students’ individual needs, expanding the study content thus to stimulate their specialty and interest. The three departments hold joint meetings regularly to achieve the purpose of no-gap study among the three stages. With the top ranked teaching and learning quality, Xiangyu is praised by the society, and in peoples’ mind it has become one of the most famous and best schools in Tianjin. Xiangyu won a great many honors, such as “National Advanced Self-Disciplined and Honest Unit among Private Non-Enterprise Units”, “National Excellent Private Primary and Secondary School”, and etc.

School address:
No. 289, Road Wushui, Meijiang South Residential Community, District Hexi, Tianjin 300221, China No. 8, Road Nankai-Si-Ma-Lu , District Nankai, Tianjin 300100, China
Telephone: 022-58785063 022-58785025
School website: www.tjnkxy.com

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